What was the average salary of pharmacists at Boots, Lloydspharmacy and Well?
The average salary of second or non-manager pharmacists at the big three multiples varied by almost £3,000 in 2017, according to C+D’s last Salary Survey.
The survey, which included data from 110 second or non-manager pharmacists at the UK’s largest three multiples – Boots, Lloydspharmacy and Well – ran throughout October last year.
It revealed that the Boots pharmacists received an average salary of £40,661, while Well pharmacists had a salary of £40,000, and Lloydspharmacy pharmacists took home £37,750.
The overall average annual salary for 180 second or non-manager pharmacists – including those outside of the largest multiples – who responded to the survey was £39,806.
For the 71 pharmacists who responded from the south of England – including London, the south-west and the south-east – the average salary was £40,176.
This was £955 more than the salary of 61 pharmacists who responded from the north-east, north-west and the Midlands, who earned an average of £39,221 in 2017.
Compare the pay and conditions at the ‘big three’ multiples in 2017 using C+D’s interactive tool.
Help C+D compile an even more accurate picture of salary and workplace demands across UK pharmacies by completing the C+D Salary Survey 2018.